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We are a non-profit archery club. Established in 1988, with a handful of interested persons with the goal to provide an indoor and outdoor archery shooting opportunity. The first organizational meetings were spearheaded by Bill & Sheryl Woodin, whom were both voted in later as President & Secretary-Treasurer, respectively. 


Others in the group included Charlie Black, Steve Latz, Gary Cason, Dave Hopkins and several others. Seeking to find a heated indoor facility to rent was found to be cost prohibitive. So they turned to the City of Kenai. Leasing property near the Kenai Airport to build the first outdoor range brought new members, many including Kenai police officers, which helped to keep a watchful eye over the range. This location was in-place for several years (until approx. 1992) when Beacon moved in, to create their fire training center.


Having to find elsewhere to go, KPA then turned to the Kenai Peninsula Borough for lease property. They have worked with us to secure the lease of our current location on Arc Loop Rd in Soldotna.​


Our current outdoor range is located mile 99 off the Sterling Hwy, on Arc Loop Rd. Our range does have a locked gate, which only members have access to 24/7. Our North and South course are set up to hold approx. 30 3-d targets. We have a shooting range with bag targets as well ranging from 10-60 yards; as a covered pavilion for when the weather doesn't cooperate. We have seen a lot of things change in our small community. Without our members and volunteers, none of this would be possible. 


We welcome all ages & shooting skills.

NO BROADHEADS allowed on course.


Sign-up today to become a member of the best club in town.



Boy Shooting Arrows
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